A Revolution in Customer Service

Discover how customer experience can be elevated through global standards, automation, and proactive solutions.

Navigating the complexities of modern customer service requires a harmonious blend of global integration and unwavering dedication—a symphony we’ve mastered at the core of our operations. Our journey is marked by strategic expansion and relentless pursuit of service perfection across continents. With the implementation of universal tools and adherence to unified customer service excellence, we’ve created a tapestry of support that’s both culturally nuanced and consistently outstanding. Read on to explore the path of our customer service success.


Table of contents:

The Keys to Our Success: A Global Approach and Unyielding Commitment

Celebrating Milestones: ISO 18295:1 Certification and Self-Service Advancements

Aiming for the “Best Service is No Service” Paradigm

Listening to the Voice of Customer: A Continuous Improvement Cycle

Towards a Future of Excellence: GPO Numbers and Beyond

Customer Service

The Keys to Our Success: A Global Approach and Unyielding Commitment

A key factor in our success lies in our global approach, employing the same tools and unifield customer service standards across diverse regions. The commitment to service quality is fortified by a dedicated Quality Assurance team, conducting regular controls, coachings, and skill development plans. The emphasis on scalability is evident through the One Community initiative, tools development such as the transaction status checker, and the evolution of intelligent chatbots. 

Celebrating Milestones: ISO 18295:1 Certification and Self-Service Advancements

A testament to our commitment to excellence is the ISO 18295:1 Certification earned by our team, underscoring the highest standards in call and contact centers. The ongoing verification audits and continuous improvement efforts exemplify our proactive stance. Meanwhile, the development of self-service tools, including a transaction status search engine and advanced chatbots, has revolutionized customer interaction. These innovations empower customers to obtain information independently, significantly reducing the need for direct contact with the customer support team. 


Aiming for the “Best Service is No Service” Paradigm

Our commitment to excellence extends to a visionary goal—systematically eliminating the need to contact customer service in favor of empowering users to find answers themselves. This initiative has yielded remarkable results, with a substantial drop in contact volume over the past two years. 

Listening to the Voice of Customer: A Continuous Improvement Cycle

At the heart of our customer-centric approach is the dedication to listening to the Voice of Customer. The key customer satisfaction metric consistently exceeds between 71-81%. We systematically measure satisfaction across various touchpoints, incorporating surveys after phone calls, completed service by email, interactions, and chat conversations. In addition to the existing touchpoints, we have recently introduced automated onboarding surveys, initially implemented in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region. The automated onboarding survey serves as an innovative way to assess customer satisfaction at the initial stages of their journey with our services.


Additonally to our ongoing projects for systematizing approaches and launching a “Customer Feedback” system, we’ve initiated regular dissatisfaction monitoring. This proactive strategy provides real-time insights into key customer pain points, enabling us to swiftly address issues and transform negative experiences into positive ones. The data from this monitoring informs our projects, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to customer satisfaction. Together, these efforts reflect our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in delivering exceptional service. 

Towards a Future of Excellence: GPO Numbers and Beyond

In FY23, we handled an impressive 541,473 contacts from customers, with 176,917 contacts handled automatically through innovative self-service solutions. The dedication of customer care agents is evident in the handling of 364,556 contacts, with an additional 25,726 tickets addressed by the technical support team. The overall CSAT in FY23 stood at an impressive 83.33%, reflecting the success of our customer-centric initiatives. 


Looking ahead, we envision further streamlining the chatbot, adopting new support solutions, and enhancing user experience. The commitment to revolutionizing customer care remains unwavering, with a focus on organizing customer experience, visualizing CX metrics, and developing concrete projects that will shape the future of customer interactions. 


In conclusion, our journey towards revolutionizing customer care is marked by milestones, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. The impact is not just on customer satisfaction metrics but on the very essence of how customer care is perceived and experienced in the digital era. We stand at the forefront of a paradigm shift, redefining customer care as a proactive, empowering, and globally standardized endeavor.