Listen: COVID-19 and the shift to e-commerce

Mario Shiliashki discusses PayU’s approach to supporting businesses and communities through the pandemic.

As communities around the world seek to rebound from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, one bright spot for many businesses has been the accelerated adoption of e-commerce.


Over the past months, PayU has seen record numbers of small businesses come online in the markets we serve – a change born of necessity but which has also created significant opportunities not only for survival but also business growth.



E-commerce during the pandemic

Earlier this month Mario Shiliashki, CEO of Payments at PayU, spoke with Sunniva Kolostyak, fintech reporter at IBS Intelligence, about how digital payments have accelerated during the pandemic.


Listen to Mario’s interview on the IBS website

Among other topics, Mario discusses PayU’s approach to helping merchants enter new markets online, the continued strength of cross-border transactions despite ongoing global lockdowns and uncertainty, and how governments are supporting the retail sector in the emerging markets where we operate.



Further reading: