Global Payment PayU

One solution for accepting global payments

Sell in any market – with one payment solution

Powering more than 10 million daily transactions, PayU’s suite of global payment solutions are trusted each day by more than 450,000 merchants and millions of customers around the world.


As an advanced provider of online payments for companies ranging from small and medium enterprises to some of the biggest names in global e-commerce, PayU enables merchants of any size, in any market, to benefit from industry-leading tools to securely process online payments, maximize conversions and payment approvals, and boost online revenue. PayU’s PCI-certified online payment gateway combines advanced technology and analytics with simple and straightforward tools to ensure the most important aspects of security and regulatory compliance when it comes to accepting online payments.


Offering one of the industry’s largest selections of local and global online payment methods, our platform leverages the latest tools in AI and global fintech to help merchants offer a smooth checkout experience to any customer around the world – all through a single global API.

Intro graphic showing PayU single platform solution for global payments

The need for a global payment solution


Although the act of sending and receiving money online continues to get easier for consumers, the process of ensuring safe, reliable, secure payments at the back end has become increasingly complex for online merchants. While the growth of e-commerce continues to create more global business opportunities than ever before, new payment providers, industry standards, and security and regulatory requirements are constantly entering the arena. For merchants selling in multiple markets with overlapping payment rules and regulations, the situation can be especially difficult.
With every international transaction interacting with a multitude of different potential acquiring banks, payment processors, and payment method providers, many of which are unique to specific markets, the importance of a global solution to integrate these diverse payment layers has never been more clear.
PayU offers merchants the simplicity and convenience of a single dashboard to manage global payments – while at the same time connecting the different layers of complex global payment stacks together to ensure that every potential payment is processed as efficiently and successfully as possible, no matter where it takes place.

PayU payment ecosystem

Our payment platform

PayU’s global payment platform is unique in that PayU acts as both the payment gateway as well as the payment processor for online transactions. In some markets PayU also serves as an acquiring bank.


By integrating these different layers of the payment stack together, merchants benefit from more efficient online payment processing that maximizes payment approval rates while minimizing fees, boosting security, and opening up opportunities for automating and optimizing online payment flows. The result is more successfully completed transactions, with a lower risk of fraud and less money lost to payment intermediaries, leading to increased sales, higher margins, and happier customers.


At the front end of each online transaction, PayU’s payment gateway and processing capabilities enable merchants to offer their customers a seamless checkout experience anywhere in the world, with hundreds of available payment methods tailored to the needs of each target market. In the background, our systems connect all the dots to ensure the highest possible approval rates at the lowest possible fees, giving you the peace of mind to focus on the growth of your business without worrying about the operational and technical complexities of each payment.

Payment solutions

Click on the cards below to learn more about the different payment solutions which are available through PayU.

PayU advanced features

Merchants today have a variety of options for accepting online payments. Many basic payment gateway solutions provide a simple means of accepting popular global payment methods like major credit cards, Google and Apple Pay, or PayPal.


The situation becomes more complicated for merchants who wish to sell across borders. When it comes to accepting local credit cards, bank account transfers, and other alternative payment methods, merchants opting for a simple approach are at the mercy of the options provided by the chosen payment gateway. Often, companies seeking to sell in multiple geographies must either offer only globally available payment methods, or work with multiple payment gateway providers in order to process local payments in each location.


At the same time, businesses with a fragmented global payment infrastructure run the risk of compromising on payment security and experiencing higher rates of payment rejection – leading to reduced conversions and lost revenue.


Known as payment orchestration, the alternative to fragmented global payments is a single solution which unifies all of the different payment layers while at the same time providing opportunities for easy optimization and scaling (for example adding new geographies or payment methods) as well as centralizing essential aspects of security and regulatory compliance under one platform.


In addition to offering merchants a single point of entry to global payments, PayU’s integrated global platform functions as a comprehensive payment orchestration layer that supports multiple aspects of payment optimization and security.

Payment orchestration

Patented Routing Engine

Our US-patented Smart Routing Engine automatically routes each payment through the optimal location to maximize approval rates and minimize fees, based on routing criteria defined by the merchant.

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Instant Retry

PayU’s Instant Retry Feature can automatically “retry” declined transactions, by re-routing the transaction through a different provider. Merchants can leverage Instant Retry to overcome false declines and recover lost revenue.

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Advanced Analytics

Follow all global payments in one place. Via a common dashboard, merchants can track approval rates and other metrics, benchmark payment methods and providers, and easily leverage insights to optimize payment performance.

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Tokenization protects both merchant and consumer by encrypting a user’s personal payment data during a transaction. By employing tokenization, PayU enables merchants to offer a more secure checkout experience, while reducing PCI scope.

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PCI DSS Compliance

PCI DSS applies to anyone handling personal credit card data – including online merchants. As a PCI Level 1-certified online payment processor, PayU helps merchants reduce their PCI scope by taking on the responsibility for safeguarding customer information.

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3D Secure 2.0

3D Secure is a protocol for payment security geared toward industry best practices as well as European Union requirements for customer authentication. PayU helps merchants implement the latest version of 3DS through a variety of functionalities including the Smart Routing Engine and more.

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PayU local expertise

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Learn more about the capabilities that PayU’s global payment orchestration platform can offer – through a single user-friendly experience for merchants as well as the end customer.
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Payment solutions FAQs (7)

What is a global payment system?

A global payment system is a platform for accepting payments from multiple countries around the world. While many payment providers are limited in their geographic scope, a global payment system allows merchants to manage payments in multiple markets through one platform.

What is payment orchestration?

Payment orchestration refers to a set of additional functionalities offered by some payment gateway providers, which seek to help merchants better manage online payment flows through advanced technology. The goal of payment orchestration is to coordinate and optimize all of the individual aspects of an online payment, in order to maximize approval rates and lower transaction costs.

How does a global payment solution work?

Different payment solutions target different aspects of an online payment. Some payment solutions target online payment processing, while others provide a payment gateway connecting the front and back ends of a transaction. PayU integrates multiple payment solutions within a single global platform. By integrating multiple aspects of an online payment into a single dashboard, PayU helps merchants to optimize payment flows and achieve the highest possible approval rates with the lowest possible transaction cost.

How to determine the right payment solution for your business?

Businesses have different needs when it comes to online payments. Some merchants suffer from high rates of payment decline, while others want to improve shopping cart conversions or lower processing costs. Advanced payment analytic capabilities, offered by some payment providers, help merchants to gain an idea of how their payments are performing and where there is room to optimize revenue as well as profit margins by improving the efficiency of their store’s online payments.

How to determine a successful global payment strategy for your business?

When determining a global payment strategy, merchants typically look for a payment solution provider that can optimize payments with minimal friction and maximum flexibility, security, and scalability. PayU enables merchants of any size to coordinate and optimize payment flows from any global market, while offering analytic capabilities that help merchants to both implement and shape their global payment strategy.

Does PayU provide a dedicated team for future development needs?

PayU has teams dedicated to approval rates and other aspects of payment optimization, which help to shape the features and ongoing development of the PayU global platform.

Which solutions do PayU provide for clients in marketplaces and B2B payments?

PayU is for any merchant, in any industry and global market, who wishes to implement frictionless and secure payments while achieving the highest possible payment approval rates at the lowest possible cost. In select regions PayU offers a specific marketplace payment solution dedicated to the needs of companies in this particular industry.

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Looking for a better global payment solution? Reach out to get in touch with a member of our team.
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